Selected Publications


Feliú Mójer, M. I., López, A. I., González-Espada, W., Cabezas Bou, E., Colón-Echevarría, C., Cruz Collazo, A., García-Justiniano, J., Liquet y González, J., Rivera-Bonet, C., Rivera-Rodríguez, A., Rodríguez Benítez, A., Rodríguez-Cruz, L. A., Rodríguez García, P. and Guerrero-Medina, G. (2024). Increasing culturally relevant science media coverage: exploring the outcomes of a collaboration in Puerto Rico JCOM 23(05), N02.

López AI, Feliú-Mójer MI (March 2024) Rethinking Civic Science Funding to Better Support Community Engagement. Journal of Science Policy & Governance. JSPG, Sigma XI and the Rita Allen Foundation Special Issue: Civic Science for Transformative Policy Solutions to Societal Challenges. Vol. 23, Issue 2.

López AI, Feliú-Mójer MI (2023) Exploring the Impact of Ciencia Puerto Rico’s Partnership with El Nuevo Día to Increase Culturally Relevant Science Communication in Local Media. Proceedings Advancing Research Impact in Society Summit 2023.

Science Communication

Mónica I. Feliú Mójer, Xavier Ortiz Torres, Natalia Ramos Rivera, Edmy Ayala Rosado, Andrea Isabel López, and Ramdwin González Otero. (2024) Ciencia y solidaridad: Historias de líderes comunitarios en Puerto Rico.

Mónica I. Feliú Mójer, Edmy Ayala Rosado, Xavier Ortiz Torres, Ramdwin González Otero, and Andrea Isabel López. (2024) Creating risk know-how amongst marginalized communities in Puerto Rico during Covid-19. Risk know-how around the world.

Lopez AI, Perks B. (2023) How Reflexivity Can Make You a Better Science Communicator. The Link. November 2023.

Lopez AI. (2023) We could all do with a little reflexivity. SciCommBites.

Lopez AI. (2023) Understanding the Divide: How Science Influencers Shape Science Perceptions. SciCommBites.

Lopez AI. (2023) Science Communication for Republicans and Evangelicals - Where do we even start? SciCommBites.

Lopez AI. (2023) Community Engaged Research Partnerships as a SciComm Tool. SciCommBites.

Lopez AI. (2023) Stop, listen, and reflect: How to incorporate reflection in your science communication. SciCommBites.

Lopez AI. (2023) Science Talk 2023 Coverage Part 2. SciCommBites.

Lopez AI. (2023) Crucial vacunarse más allá del Covid. El Nuevo Día.

Lopez AI. (2023) Entorno saludable: el método de prevención olvidado. El Nuevo Día.

Lopez AI. (2023) Are we really being inclusive by using Latinx? SciCommBites.

Speaking Engagements


López AI. Author Spotlight: Rethinking Civic Science Funding to Better Support Community Engagement. November 2024.

López AI. Video Abstract – Increasing culturally relevant science media coverage: outcomes from Puerto Rico. August 2024.

López AI. La Prevención es la Clave. Científicos al Servicio. March 2024.

Lopez AI, Feliú-Mójer MI. Reflexivity: A Tool to Make Your Science Communication More Inclusive. American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting. February 2024.

Lopez AI, Feliú-Mójer MI. Reflexivity: A Tool for Inclusive Science Communication. 2023 Inclusive SciComm Symposium. October 2023.

Lopez AI, Witterschein J, Tilsen J, McEntee M. Fireside Chats with Video Gallery Presenters (Session 2) 2023 Inclusive SciComm Symposium. October 2023.

Lopez AI, Bartock L. Peer Coaching for New Leaders Fellows. 2023 Association of Science-Technology Centers New Leaders Orientation. October 2023.

Lopez AI, Feliú-Mójer MI. Exploring the Impact of Ciencia Puerto Rico’s Partnership with El Nuevo Día to Increase Culturally Relevant Science Communication in Puerto Rican Media. 2023 Inclusive SciComm Symposium. September 2023.

Lopez, AI, Crayne J, Le T. #SciCommMake Presentations – Sex Without Stigma. SciTalk 23. March 2023; Portland OR.

Lopez AI. How to use Reflexivity in your Science Communication Work. 2023 ARIS Summit. March 2023; Baltimore, MD.

Lopez AI, Weckesser S, Ngo V, Dinh-Le C, Ogburn C. Exploring the role of community health workers in facilitating access to mental health services. The New York Academy of Medicine Advocacy in Medicine Conference; October 2021; New York, NY.

Victoria Ngo, PhD, MS, Thinh Vu, MS, Malcolm Punter, EdD, MBA, Deborah Levine, LCSW, Andrea Lopez, MPH, Luisa Borrell, DDS, PhD, Pedro Mateu-Gelabert, PhD. Patterns of mental health service needs, barriers, and preferences among Harlem low-income residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. APHA's 2022 Annual Meeting and Expo; November 2022; Boston, MA.